Tuesday, June 17, 2014

tidak mampu berkata apa-apa...
Walau begitu banyak yang menerjah di kotak fikiran,
tapi hanya mampu membisu...
tertanya-tanya..di manakah letaknya hati...
tidak dapat lari...soalan itu berputar berulang kali..
dalam yakin, ada ragu...

diikutkan rasa hati, entah apa yang jadi..
setiap tindakan, pasti ada akibatnya...
bersabarlah wahai diri...
tenangkanlah hati...fikirlah sebaiknya...
usah bertindak melulu...
jika tidak mahu menyesal di kemudian hari...

hati itu milik-Nya..
kembalikanlah ia pada pencipta-Nya..
mohonlah bantuan Yang Maha Esa..
Hanya Dia yang mampu menyetuh hati hamba-Nya...
Hanya Dia yang dapat memandu hati makhluk-Nya...
pintalah yang baik-baik daripada Sang Pencipta...
semoga Dia sentiasa menunjukkan jalan...

read more "Hati"

Saturday, May 3, 2014

There’ll always be…
 times….where I’ll stand here…
at this field…
attacking and defending myself…
from the fierce battle within…
a battle of..
black versus white…
left versus right…

All of this time…
I thought that I’m winning…
But after days passed by…
I just realized that I keep on losing….
I thought that I’ve succeed…
But actually, I’ve failed….
I really thought that these times  I’ve lived…
But the truth is, I keep on dying….

Only now I realized…
The one that I thought I’ve win…
Is actually the one that I’m losing…
Losing is so easy…
 That if you don’t think carefully, you wouldn’t be aware of it ….
At the beginning, you’ll feel nothing…
But later, you’ll keep on bleeding…

I don’t want to lose again…
I know it will be hard…
I know I need to be strong…
But still…I need to give it my best shot…
I believe….
It’s the best for me…


read more "Battlefield"

Monday, February 17, 2014

What's really hurt is.....
to know that you are the one who has frustrated 
and make it's harder for your loved ones. 
It's really heartbreaking. 
It feels like you are a loser, 
nothing that you can do better..
even for someone you love.
 It's really pain inside..
yet, there's nothing I can do.  

O Allah, 
please help me..
give me the strength to get through this..
to do my best..
For some reasons, I'm really sure..
that this is the best plan
that You have for me..
yet, I need Your help...
always need Your help... 
please guide me...
and always makes my heart...
to feel just enough with all of Your blessings...

May Allah ease everything for us...




Saturday, February 15, 2014

I'm just an ordinary person..
I also have feelings...
Although I always paste a smile on my face...
and act strong, like it's nothing big...
but, I do hurt... 
easily get hurt...
and sometimes, I just couldn't take the pain..

Well I know, for all these while...I always tolerate...
If I've been hurt, I just remain silence..
and keep on rationalize myself...
convince myself that it's me who thinks too much...
keep on convincing myself that I shouldn't be so negative..
that I should understand others situation and true intention...
Set aside my feelings....

I've been living on understanding others...
and I'm happy to do that..
really happy that I can understand them...
help them, not making it hard for them...
Try to ease everything as far as I could...

But, they forget...
Yet, me, myself sometimes forget..
That I'm also an ordinary person..
I couldn't take it in all the time....
Sometimes I also need to be cared of...
and sometimes, I'm tired...
My feelings also need to be noticed....

Although I'm sure,I'll rationalize myself later...
and be okay soon...
as I forgive easily...
but for now, I just want to take it all out...

This person, not trying to understand me..
the hardships I've gone through for me to do that..
just say everything, like I've done nothing...
how hard I've tried..
just blurt out anything without thinking what I've felt...
make me feels like I'm not being accepted, for who I am... 

For this another person, I always be the last choice...
If the number one person is not around...
then...and only then, I'll be someone to turn to..
to hear all the sadness and problems...

This another person, I really want to be friends..
Really want to have a good relationship...
but, keeps on feeling jealous to me...
keeps on thinking that everything is perfect and easy for me..
like I have more....
Be with me only whenever feel like to...
broken promises for many times...
I just need to take a break from these persons...
I need to be alone, with no disturb...
I'm not sure, if I'll be the same for them..
or just changed...
so, if this is the last...
there's something I want to say to these persons...

thank you for making me feels like this..
thanks to you guys, I've learned lessons...
learn to care more of others feeling...
that I shouldn't do that to anyone else...
as I've tasted the heartache..
I hope you'll live happily...
and I do hope..
that someday you guys realize...
that what you've done have hurt others...
hope that you'll be more understanding...
for your own good in this life


read more "JUST ORDINARY"

Thursday, January 23, 2014


                Ulangtahun kelahiran insan yang amat ku sayang. Kedudukannya di hatiku, tidak mampu ditukar ganti. Wajah yang sentiasa terhias dengan senyuman yang manis, cukup menenangkan hati ini, setiap kali wajah itu kupandang. Sesungguhnya, insan ini adalah insan yang paling hampir denganku, yang amat memahamiku...kadangkala lebih daripada ku memahami diriku sendiri. 

                Buat ibuku tersayang, Mariyah binti Hamzah..Selamat Hari Lahir yang ke-55 =) Semoga tahun ini dan tahun-tahun yang seterusnya menjanjikan yang terbaik buat ma. Ah sentiasa mendoakan agar ma dipanjangkan usia dalam iman, dikurniakan rezeki yang melimpah-ruah, dilapangkan dada dan diberi ketenangan, sentiasa bahagia dunia dan akhirat. Ma adalah ibu yang terbaik buat kami. Terima kasih, ma...diatas kasih sayang yang ma curahkan, diatas didikan yang ma berikan, di atas panduan yang ma ajarkan..sesungguhnya, jasa ma kepada kami semua tak mampu kami balas. Walaupun ma juga sibuk bekerja, tetapi ma masih menjadi ibu yang terbaik. Tak pernah berkurang kasih sayang dan perhatian yang kami dapat. Kami sentiasa berdoa dan akan terus berdoa, agar Allah memberi ganjaran Syurga di atas segala jasa serta penat lelah ma dan abah membesarkan kami 8 beradik. 

                   Ah sangat bersyukur, dikurniakan ibu bapa yang sangat penyayang dan baik. Alhamdulillah, Ah bahagia sangat mempunyai keluarga yang sentiasa penuh dengan kasih sayang. Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi kesempatan dan mempermudahkan urusan Ah, agar Ah dapat membahagiakan ma dan abah. InsyaAllah, Ah akan usaha sedaya mungkin untuk menjadi anak yang baik dan 'solehah' buat ma dan abah =) Ah sayang ma dan abah sangat-sangat.... 



read more "Wajah Cinta"

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


dan menangis lagi...
entah berapa lama akan begini..
rasa yang sering menjengah sudut hati...
membuatku kini semakin mudah mengalirkan air mata...
sememangnya hidup perlu diteruskan...
usaha yang terbaik untuk kehidupan yang masih bersisa...
tetapi yang pasti...
rasa terkilan ini akan sentiasa menghantui...
mungkin untuk sepanjang hayat ini....


read more "RASA INI"

Saturday, January 18, 2014

dalam samar cahaya...
syiling kurenung...
jauh menembusi alam semesta...

aneh sekali....
saat ini dunia dirasakan begitu senyap...
terlalu sunyi..
hingga bisikan hati..
seolah-olah jelas kedengaran di cuping telinga sendiri...

waktu-waktu sebegini...
mengingatkanku pada wajah-wajah yang kusayang...
kini hati ini begitu sensitif...
mutiara jernih kini begitu murah...
setiapkali rindu menyapa...
mudah sahaja titisan jernih itu mengalir...
tanpa mengira masa...

bagaikan baru tersedar dari mimpi yang panjang...
hati ini merasa sangat rindu...
setiap masa merindu...
mengenangkan kesilapan yang pernah dilakukan...
hati ini penuh dengan sesalan...
walaupun begitu bersyukur masih diberi peluang..
menyedari kekhilafan lalu..
namun terkilan tetap ada...

setiap waktu diriku merayu...
mohon agar insan kesayanganku ini...
sentiasa dipayungi Kasih Sayang-Mu, Ya Rahman...
mereka amatku sayangi...
semoga dihadiahkan Jannah buat mereka...
di dunia abadi nanti...


read more "Dalam Sirna Cahaya"

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